CxO & Business Vlaanderen. It’s for real!

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CxO Magazine & Business Vlaanderen gaan samenwerken.

Beide dynamische lezers- en adverteerdersgroepen reiken elkaar de hand. Twee sterke netwerken smelten samen tot een unieke community met als brandnaam Business Vlaanderen. Daardoor komen alle vennootschappen in Vlaanderen en hun unieke verhalen samen op – als het ware – een main stage podium. Een grote teksten-concertzaal waar u artiesten – business leaders & business owners – ontdekt die u zullen inspireren en doen groeien.

Kom op donderdag 17 september naar ons eerste gezamelijke avond-event. Het vindt plaats op de prachtige site van Noa Outdoor Living in Kruisem nabij Waregem. Het verrassende thema luidt: waarom architectuur en leiderschap niet zonder elkaar kunnen. Stuur een mailtje met ’17/9 NOA’ en uw gegevens naar en wij zorgen er met plezier voor dat u er bij bent. Sven Nys is een van de inspirerende sprekers die avond.

Met CxO onder de motorkap krijgt Business Vlaanderen nog meer de wind in de zeilen.
Business Vlaanderen vertegenwoordigt een community die door de publicatie van relevante en inspirerende content op korte termijn gegroeid is tot meer dan 6.500 volgers op Linkedin. Daarenboven bereikt haar magazine door de integratie me CxO de leiders van maar liefst 16.000 vennootschappen in Vlaanderen en Brussel.

Maar wat onderscheid Business Vlaanderen?
* 6 keer per jaar een premium uitgave van 100 pagina’s in twee regionale clusters verpakt. Dat maakt onze aanwezigheid nog tastbaarder.
* Een heel sterke online aanwezigheid met de dagelijkse publicatie van relevante en inspirerende artikels.
* En last but not least: Ondernemingen daadwerkelijk laten groeien via inspirerende native content. De honger naar kennis en kunde was nog nooit zo groot.

Tot slot nog dit:
Business Vlaanderen maakt deel uit van Louwers Mediagroep dat ondertussen in België en Nederland 35 vaktijdschriften en business bladen op de markt heeft. Elke dag publiceert het tientallen inspirerende artikels op de bijhorende online platformen.

Alles begint bij luisteren…

How sustainable is your building / workplace?

Launched in 1990, BREEAM is the world’s first and foremost sustainability standard and rating system for the built environment. On a global level, there are over 540,000 buildings with certified BREEAM assessment ratings and more than two million registered for assessment.

The 2015 RICS report ‘Going for Green’ found that BREEAM has an 80% market share across Europe for sustainable building certification.
Moreover, the 2014 report by international law firm DLA Piper ‘Towards a greener future’, also highlights the leading position of BREEAM within the sector. Of the five principal standards investigated BREEAM was the preferred certification, with 60% of respondents ranking it 1st. In the same survey, 83% of sustainability professionals placed.

Explore the BREEAM database with more than 2.904.000 buildings worldwide

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4 values that make you more productive at work

Not all the ideals that companies often commit to are equally useful. Some are too vague, others are too disconnected from people’s daily lives, and others are simply too different from the reality of how people currently behave to take hold. This observation led me to wonder if there are some essential values—values that absolutely must be in place if you’re going to build a high-performance organization. Source: Fast Company

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Help Employees Understand the Company Strategy

Understanding the company’s big-picture strategy is vital for every employee, but many struggle to grasp it. Simply communicating your strategy isn’t enough—employees need to know the context and reasoning behind it. Here’s how to help them understand the strategy so they can execute it.
Explain the roads not taken. Don’t just explain what the strategy is—explain what it isn’t. Share alternative routes you considered and why they were ultimately decided against. Highlighting these choices, and creating transparency around strategic decision making, helps your employees understand the reasoning behind the strategy you’ve arrived at.
Link strategy to purpose. When presenting new strategic decisions, always tie them back to your organization’s purpose, mission, and goals. This helps people see the bigger picture without needing all the intricate details. 
Involve employees in strategy development. Engage employees in the strategy process through feedback, workshops, and initiatives. This inclusion fosters a shared understanding of the context in which the strategy is developed. Use technology like AI-powered surveys to encourage participation and gather insights.
This tip is adapted from “3 Ways to Clearly Communicate Your Company’s Strategy,” by Constantinos C. Markides and Andrew MacLennan

Source: Harvard Business Review

Is Servitization ’the next big thing’? Of is het dat al vandaag al als je de juiste groeistrategie zoekt?

Servitization in het Nederlands wordt meestal vertaald als “servitisatie” of “servitisering.” Het verwijst naar de transformatie van een bedrijf van een productgerichte naar een dienstgerichte benadering. Dit houdt in dat bedrijven niet alleen fysieke producten verkopen, maar ook aanvullende diensten aanbieden die de waarde van hun producten vergroten. Het doel is om een duurzamere klantrelatie op te bouwen door middel van servicegerichte bedrijfsmodellen.

Voorbeelden van servitization zijn:

  • Een fabrikant van industriële machines die naast de verkoop van machines ook onderhouds- en reparatiediensten aanbiedt.
  • Een softwarebedrijf dat naast het leveren van softwarelicenties ook consultancy- en trainingsdiensten biedt.
  • Een autobedrijf dat niet alleen auto’s verkoopt, maar ook lease- en onderhoudscontracten aanbiedt.

Het idee is dat door het aanbieden van diensten, bedrijven hun klanten beter kunnen bedienen en tegelijkertijd nieuwe inkomstenstromen kunnen genereren.

Dit is een getuigenis vanuit Nederland. Servitization vanuit de praktijk bekeken.

Boost Team Participation in Meetings

Low participation in meetings can harm your team’s productivity by reducing collaboration, hampering decision-making, and eroding unity. How can you encourage more fruitful engagement?  

Start by clarifying expectations. Outline the supportive behaviors you want to see in your meetings. For example, you could say, “As a team, we support each other, we tackle challenges together, and we communicate constructively.” 

Model these behaviors yourself, and be sure to celebrate when your team members do the same. For example, you might say, “I would like to recognize something. Alex, the way you just acknowledged Jordan’s contribution embodies the supportive culture we want to have on our team—one where every team member’s input is recognized and appreciated. Alex, thank you for demonstrating this and setting a positive example for us all.”

It’s also helpful to offer team members different ways to contribute—for example, allow for written input before, during, or after meetings. And consider rotating the meeting facilitation among all team members to give everyone a chance to lead. Giving those who are typically less vocal a structured role can help empower them to speak.

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How do you motivate different generations in the workplace?

Generational Differences in the Workplace: Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Explained.

As a supervisor or HR manager, it’s important to understand the dynamics of a multigenerational workforce. This includes what drives both your elder and younger employees and how you might best motivate them all. Consider the traits, experiences and preferences that factor into motivating baby boomers vs. Millennials vs. Gen Z vs. Gen X, Gen Y and beyond.

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The annual Employee Engagement Report of Gallup

Only 11% of the Belgian employees is still engaged, and 72% is not engaged anymore. That sounds pretty dramatic (Percentages based on Gallup data aggregated from 2020, 2021 and 2022).

Employee engagement is the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in both their work and workplace. Highly engaged teams outperform the rest in business outcomes critical to the success of your organization.

Gallup Report

6 Workplace Trends Leaders Should Watch in 2024

In 2024, employers and employees are heading for a relationship reset. This shift partly stems from changes in where and how people work. In 2019, 60% of remote-capable employees spent their week working fully on-site, whereas that figure has fallen to just 20% in 2023.

But that’s not the complete story. Nearly five in 10 U.S. employees work fully on-site in jobs that can’t be hybrid or remote. And Gallup’s research indicates that how employees are managed has about four times as much influence on employee engagement and wellbeing as their work location.

Essentially, it’s the relationships workers have — with their coworkers, managers, leaders and organization — that are significantly evolving. Many organizations are radically retooling the ways they do business, leaving many employees, including managers, stressed and disconnected.

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Source: Gallup

How product design can yield ‘triple wins’: Growth, margin, and sustainability

Some consumer companies have simultaneously increased sales, cut costs, and reduced carbon emissions. Their secret? Paying closer attention to the design of their products and packaging.

As consumers become more demanding and less predictable, consumer companies “have to be super focused—almost surgical—in the decisions they make about the product portfolio and individual product attributes.” In other words, says McKinsey partner Dave Fedewa, companies need to think harder about product design. In doing so, they can make greater progress toward not only their sales and profit goals but also their sustainability targets.

Read more and listen to the podcast

Source: McKinsey